Dad-daughter 10K challenge 2024-2025…Post Three 13.12.24

Aim 1: to run the Bristol 10K, 2025
Aim 2: to write this blog, logging my daughter, Rachel’s, progress towards a competition 10K next year, and mine
Aim 3: to prove that my choice of earbud listening is vastly superior to Rachel’s…an unlikely tale…and maybe age-related.

Today – already I’m realising that whilst I’ve ‘troughed’, Number 3 may have peaked too soon.
Earlier this morning, my mobile made that WhatsApp notification bleep, and I just knew that Number 3 was in for a gloat and a boast.

So here it is:

10.0K 5.22’/km 53’ 4” – which of course is also 26’ 32” for each 5K. Compare this with my early morning run yesterday 5K (only) 6.13’/km 29’ 39” and the trough v peaked too early disparity is on display.

How to react?

1. Congratulate Number 3 & keep quiet about one’s own feebleness
2. Accuse Number 3 of employing a pacer/stooge/cycling?
3. Let Number 3 read this blog

In reality, I know my blog address is known so…there is no option other than option 3. Oh well.

Looking ahead, I’m anticipating emerging from Christmas with increased mass and hence slower times in January ie running may become less rapid than walking. But as I’ve started this blog with the hypothesis that Number 3 may have peaked too soon, I anticipate that the gap between our relative performances will close. It’s good to keep positive.

And, anyway, who said this was competitive?

Penultimate comment: actually, well done Number 3 – great run!

Lastly, and more importantly, the earbud update. Despite costing a mere £15.00 they are Dad-perfect. Music OK, podcasts fine.

Dad podcast:

Frank Skinner – Poetry: Seamus Heaney, Irish poet…mostly drowned out by early morning commute
Location: Henbury
Weather: Cloudy, 5oC, felt like 2oC, gentle breeze


The Wedding at Cana – what was that all about?


Standing on tiptoe