Welcome to my blog...whatever image springs to mind, be it a hippopotamus, Tigger, red-haired Highland cattle, or a simple kitchen table, 'Unless a Seed' is a four-legged creature. My hope is that having read a Book Review, a Poem, or a What is a Christian? or some random post in Everything Else, you will be kind enough to leave a comment or a short reply. And I hope you enjoy reading its contents
Love Me Tender
Somehow was imagining tenderising a large steak…then brain went parabolic, poetically
The weather forecast a
Short sentence, a précis,
Summing up the struggles
Of the atmosphere as
‘Gentle rain will fall’
On the summer-baked soil
It will fall, until suppertime
Until the earth is softened
By the tender rain
At school, now
I am five, maybe six, and
On the art table lies a
Block of ice-cold plasticine,
A pleasant pink slab
Of resistance, looking at me
Too hard, so it thinks, but
Patience wins, fashioning
Long warm snakes
One day I may purchase
A kitchen tool,
With mountain range stipples
And bring my weighted swings
Down upon inert meat and
Those tight unyielding fibres…
What is this wooden mallet?
An enemy or a friend?
A tenderiser; that’s its name.
Stay Your hand, Lord
Stow Your word of
Hammering love divine
‘Case I end up pummelled,
Destined, like Your Son, to say
‘I have come to do Your will’
Oh God! Ignore my prayer
Listen not to my sunbaked
Ice-cold resistance
Here I am…
Raise your holy hand
Swing Your weight
Until I am fully done
Until I taste as I should
Until I take Your shape
Come like gentle rain
Defeat my sun-hardened
Soil. Love me tender.
Paris ’24 – 23rd November 2023
Prep for Paris ‘24…permanently postponed, probably…
Announcing a probable withdrawal from Paris ’24 Olympics.
The qualifying time for the 10K remains at 27:28.
The option to switch genders and aim for the 31:25 mark for women is…erm…a step toooo far.
My knee and hip injuries have seemingly settled down but surgery looms for the toe in the ‘run up’ to Paris and so what was impossible has now become medically impossible.
One’s aim now has to be adjusted, naturally, to the next Olympics - Los Angeles ‘28.
That stirs the half-American in me. Paris of course has a certain je ne sais quoi compared with the madness of west coast America and socially liberal Cal-i-forn-i-a. Genetically I may be closer to LA than Paris, but culturally? Nope.
Yesterday’s very gentle dawn return to 5K jogging around the Harbourside 5K took 33 minutes so the challenge is simple – I need to somehow induce my legs to twitch backwards and forwards at twice the rate, actually a tad more rapidly than twice as fast.
Here goes.
Charlie Peach's Pumpkins and other stories
Jenny Saunder’s blog tour…includes my review of her new children’s book: Charlie Peach’s Pumpkins
My review of Jenny Sanders' latest children’s book due to be published by Conrad Press coincides with her November blog tour.
Following on from the highly entertaining and engaging The Magnificent Moustache and other stories is this excellent collection of six short stories that captures the same humour, pace, and tension as in Magnificent Moustache, and yet offers up another page-turner full of originality that will delight the younger reader.
If you’re after one of those magic books that will keep adults amused and children enchanted Charlie Peach will be a good purchase.
Jenny loves to poke fun, if gently, at the idiosyncrasies of the upper middle classes and their preoccupation with manners and convention. There are some wonderfully eccentric and stereotypical characters such as the alliterative Baxter, Bartholomew, and Belinda Beasley-Babbingtons, or my favourites: Candida Chumley-Smythe and Nora-Whittington Fay, or the distracted dentist Mr McCavity.
Jenny has continued to introduce her young readers to a spattering of more complex and unexpected words such as tranquil, contingent, sommelier, or spouse, and humorous semi-invented words such as flusterment, muddlesome, or bazillion.
Each of the six short stories in Charlie Peach contains unforgettable and imaginative scenes but, perhaps, none can surpass the resourcefulness of Shaun Scattergood as he adopts a French accent and acts the part of a sommelier serving up his absent grandfather’s ‘fine’ wines to such appreciative characters as Captain Radish and Lord Higginbottom.
And…any children’s book that ends with a story about the Surprising Power of Cake is bound to do well.
The journey home – a lament
Is there anyone alive who is not carrying an Israel/Gaza lament?
Like some troublesome
Subterranean bindweed
There’s one response: Out
Dig deep, uproot the
Damnéd growth ‘til its evil
Intent lies naked
For the world to gaze
Upon and weep at its own
Reflection and mourn
For an Eden lost
Our collective mind estranged
Will we journey home?
Gaza bruised, Hamas,
Unbearable to all your
People locked in pain
Jerusalem, drenched
With Messiah tears, your chicks
Still to be gathered
Midnight Train from Paris
A Journey themed poem challenge…written under pressure…25 minutes. This is what emerged.
Not used to trains leaving on time
And unfamiliar with the need for
Hurried steps in a station
We pelted along the Parisian platform
Launching ourselves through
Ominously closing doors
Our reserved carriage, full to the brim
With unbudging French skiers
Whose indifference and wry smiles
Ejected us Anglaise to a
Downgraded allotment:
A corridor floor crammed with skis
I remember nothing, nor does Neil.
We Brits, we band of two brothers
Making silver purses, perhaps, from pigs ears
Descended into the abyss
Of unsought and the unlikely
Torpor of deep sleep
Mercy arrived in the form of the ticket collector
Shouting ‘Billet, billet’ until we stirred
Then, ushering us off the train,
In a frenzy of ‘Vite, vites!’
Unceremoniously dumped at dawn
On an unknown platform
One stop from disaster
The Chamonix tunnel to Italy
In broken French and faith
Somehow, we wove our way
On buses and steep ravine-sided trains
To Chamonix, our destination
For a friend’s wedding
For a wedding
Idyllic in the snow
Idyllic in the horse-drawn sleigh
Whisking bride and groom at speed
From Church to reception
Idyllic in much wine, song
Food, and feasting
A taste of heaven.
Almost missed.
The Power of Words
Originally written for the MoreThanWriters blog: https://morethanwriters.blogspot.com/2023/11/the-power-of-words.html
Words paint pictures, and pictures have a habit of drawing us in, to find the story, the setting, and the physical space…we end up smelling the incense, feeling the fabric, tasting new wine, hearing voices, and imagining what it must have been like to be there.
Here are three short phrases that have leapt off the page and hauled me inside recently, like some Star Trek tractor beam:
‘Bless the Lord all you servants of the Lord who stand by night in the house of the Lord’ Ps 134 v 1
‘This man, Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, came to Jesus by night’ John 3v2
‘And it was night’ John 13 v30
Whilst it’s tempting to unload what these passages have been up to moving around in my imagination, I’m really focussing on the authors: the unnamed author of Ps 134, and John, the apostle and close friend of Jesus.
I see them in the cool spot, in the evening. They’ve found a table, and a chair at the right height, some ink, a roll of parchment, and quills poised, they feel impelled to write, to describe a scene, not elaborately but with as few words as possible.
Maybe there are a few attempts before a sense of completion, having shown a few others. And there it is - ink-dried, a rolled-up scroll, submitted to the scribes to copy and distribute.
Maybe money had to change hands. But when all is done, candles are extinguished, and it is night.
And the world and countless lives have been illuminated by a few words.
In thinking about this blog, I have wondered if anyone is hesitating, pen-in-hand, wondering whether to include direct or indirect experiences of ‘standing by night’ in their latest writing. But also as a ‘note-to-self’ to use a minimal number of words to evoke a sensory link to whatever scene I’m attempting to convey.
Deus ex Machina
Deus ex machina maybe thought of as a literary device, but in fact…
Christ pouring out His life-love
As us in His world
Mystery of Christ
In us, the hope of glory,
Saturating all
Bridges we become
For the Almighty lover
To bring the Shalom
Take the shot
One of those poems whose title makes sense…eventually
Light glancing and flashing
From a needle held high
Piercing a delicate membrane,
Beneath which sits lurking,
A dose or two of an antidote
That rejoicing chemical
Atropine by name, whose
Alkaloid molecules lie in wait
Poised to dismantle and
Destroy unbidden invaders
The paralysing poisons
That shrivel and staunch
Bringing life to naught
The true purpose of anxiety
The all-pervasive nerve agent
The great distractor
The gnawing, low-level
Stomach-troubling life-friction
Slowing and braking,
Shuddering its victims to a halt
‘Til we cry out in our
Anger and our shame *
‘Til we submit our recipient flesh
To prayers sharpened and
Uttered like fork lightning
Piercing, tearing open
Liminal membranes into
The fiery love of God
Swords and shields yielded:
Our fruitless aggressions,
Our flimsy fig-leaf
Protection rackets that do not
And casting aside all masks
That fail us, we
Take the shot
Let the fiery love of God
Permeate, baptise us
Deep diving into our troubles
And turmoil, our churning seas
And paralysed wills until
We re-emerge into the light
Our dancing feet unglued
*Simon & Garfunkel – The Boxer
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝: '...𝐨𝐧𝐞, 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐲, 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐜𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐡....'
What does the Nicene Creed point to when it says ‘…apostolic…’ church? Here’s an attempt to get at the dynamic
A comment on the word 'apostolic’.
Greek ‘apostolos’ - someone who is sent
Just as ‘catholic’ refocuses our modus operandi as church to be in the world, like yeast in and throughout the dough, so ‘apostolic’ turns us outward, to the world, rather than inward.
Jesus sent his disciples, later called to be apostles, ‘sent ones’, into the world, village by village to preach the gospel having watched him do the same. (See Luke 8, Luke 9, and Luke 10). Jesus was the prototype apostle, others followed on, first the 12, the 70, and so on.
True apostles do not install a church culture, a bureaucracy, an organisation, a denomination, or a stream, but Christ in individuals, some of whom become elders and oversee the church from that point on – not under the authority of an apostle, rather they are released by the apostle - who has moved on to do some more installing elsewhere, whilst retaining a fatherly relationship with the new church. They are fathers not CEOs.
Apostles instal Christ in individuals…not denominations
(Fathers are not paid by their children. If a church wishes to give money to an apostle or into their ministry, they are free to do so, like the many who gave money to Jesus and supported Him from their private means, but they did not give as a requirement; there was no coercion, it was given freely. Compulsory ‘tithing’, for example, is an indication that the relationship between an apostle and a church, or between elders and a congregation, has become unhealthy).
When the church in Galatia had turned away from Christ the apostle wrote to them: ‘My little children, for whom I labour in birth again until Christ is formed in you’ Gal 4v19
The work of an apostle is therefore more than the work of an evangelist. An evangelist preaches the ‘evangel’, the good news, the gospel, and issues the invitation to follow Christ. An apostle, through their teaching and example, installs Christ in the person and church who wishes to follow or put their faith in Jesus, so that their life is no longer lived by their own resources (as if that’s really possible, which it isn’t!) but by Christ’s spontaneous life lived from within the person.
To the extent that apostles plant or form churches, it is that new disciples are called to grow so that they collectively know that Christ has been formed in them as a church, and that they are operating from His life not their own abilities, philosophies, political convictions, or well-intentioned good ideas, or under the direction of an apostle, but His Spirit.
As Paul put it: ‘For as many are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God’.
‘children…young men…fathers…’ 1 John 1v12-14
There are many passages that deal with this expected spiritual growth towards maturity, for example: ‘I could not speak to you as spiritual but as fleshly, as babes in Christ. I fed you with milk and not solid food…you are still fleshly’ 1 Cor 3v1-3 or ‘by this time you ought to be teachers…but…you need milk not solid food…babes…solid food belongs to those that are mature’ Heb 5v12-14 or ‘children…young men…fathers…’ 1 John 1v12-14
Once such a church has been formed it is true that it is ‘one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church’
I suspect Paul would write to many groups that we call ‘churches’ today with the same concerns and conclude that he would have to ‘labour again until Christ is formed in you’.
If the church is a group of believers who are living out life from the spontaneous life of Christ within, then, by definition, the church is truly apostolic as it is loved, cared for, and led by the Apostle, Jesus Christ, into the world.
Book Review: Gilead
Gilead is, as the Sunday Times critic summarised ‘A Masterpiece’. I can’t add to that. Set in the fictional town of Gilead in 1956 Iowa, it is a beautifully crafted novel
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐥𝐲𝐧𝐧𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧, 𝐈𝐒𝐁𝐍 𝟏-𝟖𝟒𝟒𝟎𝟖-𝟏𝟒𝟖-𝟔
If you’re looking for a fast-paced thriller don’t read Gilead. If you’re looking for a gripping romance, look elsewhere. If it’s an injection of international intrigue you’re after, forget it; it’s intensely local.
And if you’re expecting chapters and traditional literary divisions you won’t find them here.
What you will find is an old-fashioned kettle left on the flames from page 1 until the whole book boils over and sings 280 pages later, its whistle running through you as it reaches an unanticipated climax in the final scenes.
The critic of the Sunday Times said simply: ‘A masterpiece’. That’s what it is.
Set in the small fictional town of Gilead, in 1956, it is written as a long letter written by John Ames, an elderly Congregational pastor, as an autobiographical memoir to his seven-year-old unnamed son, to be read after his death.
He’s not a man in a hurry and will make you long for a simpler lifestyle if life has become too cluttered
There are five main characters: elderly Reverand John Ames; his much younger wife, Lila, Reverand Robert Boughton, a retired Presbyterian minister and John’s lifelong friend, and Jack Boughton, his son.
It’s written carefully, and you realise early on that Reverand John Ames is a crucible for theology, philosophy, meditation, and prayer. He’s not a man in a hurry and will make you long for a simpler lifestyle if life has become too cluttered. His relationship, and unlikely romance, with Lila, is sweetly told, but the triangle of the men, John, his old friend Robert, and Robert’s wayward and unpredictable son, Jack, is full of mature love, kindness, failures, sadness, and tension.
Marilynne Robinson somehow has woven into this book, set in a small town with very few characters, and the two statesmanlike characters closing in on death, a telling commentary on aspects of American society in 1956 Iowa. This comes near the end of the novel and I, for one, found it completely arresting and moving. It took me by surprise and left a few tears running down my cheeks.
‘A masterpiece’. Yes. 280 pages. Paperback. Recommended.
Pain woke up one morning
Israel - Gaza, the weeping
Pain woke up and pulled on socks
The stout shoes of a marcher
Pain splashed cold water on an unshaven face
And drank a cup of tea
Without noticing
Pain met with the hurting
To flock like starlings
Unaware of the terrible beauty
Of their black murmurings
And flow like blood
From Portland Square to Westminster
Pain-painted placards held aloft
A river of anguish, chanting
Like bewildered children
‘Free Palestine
From the River to the Sea’
We humans,
We import and export traders,
Now in toxic waste, to and fro
Violent convulsions
Of sorrow-full souls
Invisible retchings of pain
Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah
A trinity less united
Except in receiving foreign funds
Billions of dollars, rials, and euros
Their investors’ blushing faces
Turning away too late
Disgusted by a Supernova massacre
By Kfar Azar’s defilement
But the blood sticks to your hands
Tehran, Brussels, Washington
No amount of cold water
Can remove the stain
The Kfar Azar pain
The Supernova misery
That woke up that morning,
Discordant, a few miles
East of Gaza, in the Negev -
All of that pain
And the pain of the pogroms
And of Hitler’s henchmen
Has woken up this morning
And painted Stars of David
On F16 fuselages -
Sickened Israel vomiting
Her laser-guided agony
Of despair in bombs and missiles
Her promises to end Hamas
Unbearable, carrying her
Towards poor Gaza
Ruled not by peacemakers
But those fuelled and fed
Funded and fattened by whom?
Which fund paid for your banner?
Who set brother against brother?
Ishmael – which means God listens
Against Isaac – which means laughter
Let the Miserere be sung
Let the tears fall
Let hot tears sear and
Wash away the pain
And let the children sob
Themselves to exhausted peace
Lord, have mercy, let
Isaac’s laughter be heard
Once again.
Is there a purpose in forgetting?
A reminiscence with a question - can there be a purpose in our lapses of memory?
My fork is raised, and
My eyes are feasting on a
Steaming chicken pie
The fork fails to touch
Even the exterior skin of
The golden pastry
A silent alarm
Sounds in my head, I see
Seventy pupils
Pushing and shoving
Peering through a window a
Hundred yards away
Waiting for me
Waiting for me to rattle some keys
A miracle. God,
Secular humanism
Notwithstanding, has
Fished out a large crowd
Away from football, ‘seconds’
Not enough girl chat
To the Thursday Club
A Christian Union
Stripped of tradition
Like the woman and
Her coins I tear around
Searching for the keys
The key turns the lock
And the door opens wide, no
One is the wiser
Privately I am
Beside myself with horror
And excessive joy
God did not forget -
His selectively robust
Memory, forgot
My frail frame and
Sluiced all my iniquities
Forever downstream
Our lapses - signs of
God maybe? Marinading
Us in the divine
Israel, Hamas, and the BBC
Saturday 7th October 2023: Hamas massacres young Israelis at the Supernova music festival and grandparents, adults, children and babies at Kfar Azar Kibbutz
I feel the need to say something. Not to speak runs the risk of allowing evil to take root.
I share these reflections from the depths of shock and grief over Hamas’s murderous campaign on Saturday 7th October 2023 which has left 1000+ Israeli citizens dead and many others injured and traumatised.
And also anticipating the inevitable Israeli response taking its toll not just on Hamas and its supporters but on Gaza Strip civilians who do not support Hamas and are subject to their rule.
One weeps with those who weep.
There is something quite indefensible, despicable, and distinctly cowardly in using military firepower against defenceless men, women, children, babies, and animals. The massacres at the Supernova Music festival in which 250+ young partygoers were slaughtered, and at Kfar Azar, leaving 100+ grandparents, parents, children, babies, dead, some burned in their homes, and some children and babies beheaded, were barbaric and sickening.
War is evil enough, but even in the depths of war, there are limits. Hamas and its supporters have ignored those limits and revelled in the ‘triumph’ of the attacks, celebrating publicly – even on the streets of London - the massacres, jubilant at the flow of Jewish blood, and the capture and abduction of Israeli citizens. This is unspeakably evil and shameful.
Hamas’s actions, like Al-Qaida’s 9-11 attack, are despicable and cannot be justified, whatever the grievances held, legitimate or not. To convert grievance into hatred and hatred into targeting rockets and bullets against defenceless civilians is beneath contempt.
One weeps with those who weep
If I held any hope that Hamas could rule the Gaza Strip for the sake of its citizens and interact with Israel to forge some kind of peaceful co-existence, this has been shattered and irrevocably torn to shreds. The world now waits to see whether the Israeli military response will succeed in uprooting Hamas, which appears to be the aim.
But, in terms of respect, I feel I must address an institution far closer to home. The BBC. Our BBC.
I am ashamed now to pay the Licence fee.
Hamas is a proscribed terrorist organisation which has carried out a shocking massacre of Israeli life on Israeli soil and the BBC continues to use the word ‘militant’ to describe Hamas instead of ‘terrorist’. The distinction is important. This is not a time to downplay, contextualise, politicise, or dilute the horror of the events of last Saturday. This was a pre-determined, pre-planned, pre-rehearsed attack as part of the overall strategy of the terrorist organisation called Hamas to execute vile terrorism on Israeli soil against unarmed civilians, Jews.
What to pray? What to hope for? I sit in silence before God
I call upon BBC journalists to refuse to cooperate with their editorial chiefs and use the word terrorist where it is the only appropriate and accurate word to describe premeditated military attacks on defenceless citizens.
And that, surely, includes the attack and twin massacres carried out by Hamas on Saturday 7th October in Israel.
What to pray? What to hope for? I sit in silence before God. He hears our inability to find words. The mute longing for grief and suffering not to be prolonged. For human hearts in Gaza, in Israel, to find courage, to grow beyond any ideologies of hatred, to limit the justification of retribution as a way of defining life and the future. And, in time, to displace war in favour of mercy and a deep desire to live in peace with one's neighbours.
Ain’t gonna to study war no more
A poem whose origins lie elsewhere
‘…they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore’ Isaiah 2v4
Are you outside my city limits
Or corralled in my deepest parts?
Are you in heaven
Or walking down country lanes
To all our Bethlehems
Why do I find that
Other-worldly chuckle
A spring of water
Speaking to me:
It’s in the asking that
You stumble over the answers
You do some intriguing tricks
Unexpected engineering
Like workmen setting up
Orange fences before dawn
Cups of tea in hand
The steam appearing to
Work harder than they
Rising up but the work
Is out of sight, below,
Your last incursion
Took me by surprise
Incoming wounding words;
Missiles lobbed and landing
Like sharp swords but changed,
Somehow, into ploughshares
And set to work
Plough me Lord
Plough my heart
I open the gate
Bring in your metal
And turn me over and over
Run your oxen over me
Turn my stones to soil
I ain’t gonna study war
No more
The fight’s gone in me
I have a new weapon
Durable and immovable
The peace of the Lord.
Ploughing may not be over
But I see seeds held
In your hand
I’m going to wear my
Long white robe
And not budge
From the riverside, I ain’t
Gonna study war no more
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝: '...𝐨𝐧𝐞, 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐲, 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐜𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐡....'
If you’re familiar with saying the Nicene Creed you will have intoned ‘one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church’ those rising syllables 1,2,3, then 4 fall off the tongue with an almost hypnotic rhythm - but what does ‘catholic’ mean?
A comment on the word 'catholic'. It's easy to think this refers in some way to the Roman Catholic church with a capital C. It doesn't.
But its meaning is also more than simply 'Universal' i.e. all believers in Christ, whether Catholic, Protestant, or Orthodox, The problem, even with this, is that Universal can suggest an 'us' and 'them' as if the church is to be distinct, separate, or cut off from the world.
It's more subtle, or richer than that. It really means (kata) 'throughout' the (holos) 'whole' like yeast in the ingredients, we are to be like Jesus in the world, not separate or superior or threatened but incarnate, doing our yeast thing.
Protection Racket
Protection Racket with a twist of reality
The fruit and veg shop
With shabby paint
Is well stocked in celery,
Sweetcorn and Cox’s apples
And sells freshly baked bread,
Oddly, on a Wednesday
Customers stream in
From dawn to dusk
Cashflow runs riot
The Books topple over
Unbalanced in the black
Yet the paint still peels
Lunar months come and go
Taxes are paid, but until
The Other Tax is settled,
There is no peace;
And then there’s no money
Even for a lick of paint
Mafia Voluntá and Ragione,
Crowbars in hand, beat and
Beat spirits into empty silence
And Sentimento, no better,
Crushes all in his path
With pitiful weeping, our
An apostolic cry shatters the air
Infernal self-protection racket.
Unsafe in our own hands, we
Like dried plums and apricots,
Take on weary old age:
Hearts shrivelling as sure as
A veg shop with shabby paint
An apostolic cry shatters the air:
‘Wretched man that I am!
Who will deliver me
From this body of death?’
Guttural, the cry of the Israelites,
Weighed down with bricks.
God, it seems, is only waiting
For our appearance on stage
To scream, to let our spirit roar,
Then whisper in disbelief
‘Thanks be to God –
Through Jesus Christ our Lord’
And, suddenly, there He is
Fresh pot of paint in hand
Pockets bulging with
Milk and honey
Smelling of fresh bread:
Every day is Wednesday.
Voluntá - our will, Ragione - our reason, Sentimento - our emotions
Book Review: Forty Farms, Amy Bateman
This beautifully photographed hardback book about 40 Lake District Farms undergoing a return to traditional sustainable farming less dependent on agrochemicals hasn’t left my lounge coffee table for about a year now. Proud to let others browse.
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐬: beautiful photographs from forty Lake District farms, inspiring writing – all the farms are transitioning from high dependence on agrochemicals and antibiotics and towards working with the environment, there are maps – I do like a map.
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐅𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐬: do not misread Forty Farms as Farty Farms. Don’t do it.
336 pages of sheer delight, it’s informative, honest, inter-generational, beautifully put together hard back a blend of gorgeous photographs taken by the author, Amy Bateman, and text, maps, inserts and a helpful glossary for those like me who drive past farms and know next to nothing about farming.
I’m also a chemist and love the ingenuity of science and how fertilisers, pesticides, vaccines, and antibiotics have transformed yield, health, and productivity. But…and there are increasingly some very big buts – if the soil and the general environment are abused disaster looms.
So, farmers, like many in society at large, are involved in a re-think and the stories from these forty farms have given me fresh hope that we’re not slithering down an agrochemical slurry into an inevitable arms race with the environment, pests, diseases whilst the world starves, and that a return to a sustainable agricultural model is not only possible but underway.
ISBN: 978-1-915513-01-4
𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐞: £𝟐𝟗.𝟗𝟎...𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐗𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭?
So scared
Not quite sure where this came from. Just the title somehow. And a small dose of real-time fear to face.
Fear makes her entrance
A surprise package. But
What happens next?
She came in disguise
A teacher, a friend
The one meaning no harm
The other – what drove him?
At four, a statue in the corner
When other boys and girls
Danced to the music that
Acted like glue to my feet – why?
And the other John
Who stood on my stomach
And confused me
And taught my heart to fear
Maybe, like a clever dog,
He could smell my fear
Of the music
And it bared his teeth?
Or, later, when tied to a tree
Or held captive
In a tree house
Or abused in an alleyway?
Behind it all
Was God. Loving God.
Not the author
But the cage-fighter-God
The One whose love
Casts out all fear
Like a wrestler launching
All his opponents -
Over the ropes they go
Yes, He has come
To supplant
Like a bouncer
To eject it all
All that damned fear
And turn another victim
Into a lover of enemies
Into a fisher
Of the sons of Adam
To call to my friend,
The other John,
Have you found
The One who is stronger
Than you?
Than your guilt?
So scared of love, still?
That bares all in its path?
Love divine: The music that
Unglued my feet.
What is a Christian?
Finally! Finally I have got round to writing an answer to the question that heads this section on the blog! What is a Christian?
To answer this question I’m going to borrow the illustration of ‘Coffee Pot Christians’ I first came across reading When the Spirit Comes by Colin Urquhart.
It both amused me and helped me figure out what it means to be a Christian. So I’m passing it on.
Coffee has moved on with its recent resurgence. Apart from all the Italian names – mocha, cappuccino, latte, expresso - and so on, the containers on offer today are many and varied – moka pots, French press, percolator, and filters.
The coffee pot used in the illustration, however, is a simple ceramic container that can hold maybe 4 cups and has a removable lid and a handle.
If the coffee pot represents a person, the contents are everything that makes up the individuality of that person, their resources. When shaken or tipped up, what is held inside comes out. But to make coffee first the lid has to be removed and water poured in. The lid represents everything that is a barrier between a person and God: anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, jealousy, self-reliance, pride and so on. Sin is a much misunderstood and maligned word these days but the contents of our ‘lids’ do amount to what the bible calls ‘sin’ which ruins us and spoils our relationship with God.
Whilst the lid is in position God is external to you. You are living, to all intents and purposes, a life independent of God.
But Jesus showed us that God loves us ‘God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…’ and wants to come in, to be poured in, but first the lid must be removed.
When Jesus hung on the cross the New Testament says He was the ‘Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world’. Even in the Old Testament, this sacrifice was described in the following verses:
‘Surely He has borne our griefs and carried out sorrows…he was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities…the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all’. All our jealousies, pride, self-reliance, bitterness and so on, Jesus took on the cross to take away the barrier between us and God, to restore our relationship with God.
When Colin Urquhart used this illustration for those who wanted to remove their lids and let God in, he encouraged them to write a letter to Jesus confessing the things in them that made up their lid, then to thank God that Jesus has taken it away on the cross, and finally to ask God to pour Himself into them with the gift of the Holy Spirit.
‘you can no more become a Christian by going to church than become a burger by going to McDonalds’
When the apostle Paul wrote about the Holy Spirit he said this: ‘the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us’. If it is unforgiveness we have confessed, He comes with forgiveness; if it is bitterness, the love of God brings peace, if pride or fear, the Spirit brings faith in God.
This simple illustration worked for me: Church attendance, saying prayers, singing hymns, good works, being kind to our neighbours, baptism, taking communion, even believing in God…all these Christians may do, but these things do not make us Christians.
It’s easy to put the cart before the horse.
Someone once said ‘you can no more become a Christian by going to church than become a burger by going to McDonalds’.
Lastly, when the apostle Peter preached to the crowd on the Day of Pentecost (Acts chapters 1 and 2), they asked him what they should do. This is his answer:
‘Repent and let every one of you be baptised in the Name of Jesus for the forgiveness of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit’.
• The word ‘repent’, to use the coffee pot illustration, is to confess to God all that makes up the lid in our life and to recognise that Jesus took it all on the cross.
• Baptism in water follows on…it’s like having all those barriers washed away, like being cleansed of all that makes us feel unworthy of forgiveness.
• And, finally, the promise that God will come pouring in – the gift of the Holy Spirit. It’s a gift, not something we earn by our religiosity or attempts to please God or efforts to live a moral or a good life.
I hope that helps. And makes sense.
If it makes sense to you and you want to become a Christian, why not do what Colin Urquhart told his listeners to do – write a letter to Jesus. Tell him about your lid that needs to be removed. See that when Jesus died on the cross, He took your lid. And ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit to be poured into your heart.
If you have a bible nearby maybe read the following verses: John 3v16, and John 14 v 16-20.
Where do images come from? Out of the blue I was confronted with an image of a hand flipped over, fingernails showing, as if waiting to be cleaned…
It’s unorthodox, this constant life
Its interior ocean
Washing up tides, with
Winds from nowhere
Surfing waves that carry
A heart, a will, far beyond:
The trick, it seems, is to wait
The me-in-me wanted to
Travel into Arabia with the apostle
Fresh from Damascus
Or with David into Adullam
Or the Messiah away from it all
With the wild beasts of
Heaven and earth
But mostly the apostle
What happened there, Paul?
In Arabia?
And all the time
Like some drugged sluggard
Like Frodo with a ring too heavy
I am helpless
And cannot be enthused,
Rocking in the sedative
Of some interior ocean wave
And in its place a manky image
Of ordinariness gone wild
Seemingly unworthy of
Contemplation, but
This thought will not rot
‘If you want to know about
All things’, it says
‘Look under your fingernails
Look in places no one else will
Rummage away in bins, or, like
A five-year-old nestling
On a carpet
Feet twitching on the sofa
Rolling plasticine balls
Or folding and refolding
Silver foil, lost in wonder;
Then you’ll know all things.’
That day, under my fingernails
Lay foreign DNA, the
Fragment of another’s hair,
The innards of a wasp
Clapped to infinity
Some earwax, tile cement,
And salt from Beer Beach:
A sharper, more vivid log
Than my phone history.
Thank God.
And so I let Arabia subside
To learn what I needed to learn
To find what I’m looking for
Treasure lying in strange places
A Messiah in a manger,
A food trough, surrounded by
Angels and steaming dung,
Frankincense and stinking hay
There, ridiculously there,
On a remote Judean hillside
He’s a hunter, that Messiah,
A treasure hunter,
A finder, a fingernail finder,
A proof of incarnation
A prostitute here, a leper there
A Pharisee-by-night…Nicodemus…
…there’s a bit of him
In us all.
But only some go searching
Will we find Him hiding in you?
Under your fingernails
His DNA?
Inadvertently transferred
When your heart
Last reached out to Him
Not kneeling, or in a
Sanctuary made by man,
But in your tidal unorthodoxy
Something undeniable
A zephyr, a breath,
A breeze that made you
Look up.