The Seven Postcards Series iii

The Seven Postcards Series – a parable in three parts from beyond the beyond

Series 1. From Abram, and replies from Haran

Series 2. From John, and replies from Zebedee

Series 3. From Samuel, and replies from Neo

Neo, Day 5. Thank you for sending the postcards. You always set puzzles don’t you instead of spitting it out! I think I get it though. Here’s my first attempt. You set about my agnosticism and questions like bank robber, looking for an entrance. And you found it, didn’t you? It’s a while ago, but I agreed that I should examine the primary source, the New Testament. And we argued. And argued. Maybe you knew that I had always wanted it to be true, but what you told me seemed too good to be true – I remember saying that to you! You stopped being a bank robber, you turned into a Roman Legion and I was under siege, you pounding at my defences with talk of grace, of it being freely given, of being under grace not law, of the gift of righteousness, the gift of eternal life. That repentance was like the early disciples leaving everything to follow Him. And for me it was leaving any attempt to be good or to be like Christ and accept the gift and that He would do it. A free lunch? I scoffed. You said I couldn’t earn it. And I began to see. You told me about Eden, but it was Abraham that finished it for me. That it was the ‘faith’ of Abraham that God counted as righteousness. Anyway, that’s a few years ago now, and here I am reading about the faith of Abraham once again. I must go. Will continue. With annoying curiosity stirred, Samuel.

Samuel, Day 9. It was your last sentence that spurred me on to write again! It took a burning bush for Moses. And a few postcards in your case. Notice the similarities in both sets of exchanges. And I am Neo, as you say. But who am I to you? If you can answer that you’ll be on your way to solving the puzzle and, yes, it is a puzzle but more like a jigsaw than a chess puzzle. With chess, it’s the solution that is the end of the puzzle; with a jigsaw the solution paints a picture and is a start, not a finishing point. Also, you’re right to summarise the early battles we had over grace and the free gift of righteousness and eternal life, but you left out a gift and one that cost me and my generation everything. Maybe that’s what you hinted you would continue into? Yours, Neo.

Neo, Day 16. Before I try and answer your questions, I’m curious to know what persona you have shape-shifted into? No longer the bank robber or Legionnaire. Who are you to me? I think I can see the pattern here. Nahor was Abram’s father as was Zebedee to John. And both sons had to leave their fathers’ to…well, it was quite different in each case. Canaan and Christ. So, you are a father to me. In the faith I mean. That’s true. You always were and can still be even though we live on different continents. You stayed in Canberra and I’m currently in Cleethorpes. What do I know about your generation? I know you told me that great crowds left their normal churches and chapels to hear about the revival in Lewis and that it left you realising that no-one had preached about the gift of the Spirit. And then how you were seeking God and you experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit. You were so excited you went to share your story with the Vicar and everyone else that would listen. And how the Vicar told you and your friends to leave immediately and not to worry the sheep. Is that it? How you were forced in the end to form groups, new churches. If I’m right, Neo, I am now more troubled than ever. Why the postcards? But why remind me? But I’m still curious. Why remind me and why now?

Samuel, Day 38. I apologise for the longer gap than usual. I’ve been unwell. The truth is, Samuel, I have weeks left. I thought I had more, but the doctors say not. In my heart, I’m closer to heaven. Did I tell you, I once heard angels singing? When I was much younger. Anyway, let’s not linger on this. Yes, you are right about the cost to my generation. It caused no end of strife in families. Typically, when a member of a Christian family who had worshipped together and had genuinely believed the gospel, was filled with the Spirit the family would be put under strain and the churches they were in. Especially when the gifts of the Spirit were practiced, like speaking in tongues or healing. And new songs were being written to capture the moment. Some whole churches embraced it all and become ‘renewed’ but individuals often faced a terrible choice, to stay put and try and squash the gift of the Spirit, or find others and form new churches. That’s what I and a number of others did. It was hard, Samuel, leaving people you loved. My Vicar never did understand. It caused him pain to lose so many from his own congregation. But they were too hungry to stay. Like young lions we were. But that’s my generation. I’m reminding you because I know you are restless.

Dear Neo, Day 42. I can’t quite believe you’re dying. Sorry to be blunt. I hope you are strong enough by the time this postcard reaches you to reply once more, as I think you’ll want to. The puzzle is coming together, isn’t it? Maybe I should call you Nahor, the father who left Ur but never made it to Canaan and settled in Haran. You had your griefs and sacrificed much but what you led your family into was a staging post, not the final goal. Yes, I am restless. And have been for some time. You pioneered what has become commonplace. To continue the analogies, there are many ‘Haran’ churches across the globe: Evangelical, bible believing, gospel believing, Spirit-filled churches full of individuals who would say they know they have received the gifts we have mentioned: righteousness, eternal life, and the Spirit. There is a liberty in worship. The organ and choir has been replaced by skilful musicians. And so on. If you sense a but coming you’re right. All this is what I call Romans 1 to 5. And then a diversion avoiding Romans 6 and 7 before preaching from Romans 8 and on. Neo, I feel like I’m holding a hot potato. If I write more I’ll take too much time. It breaks my heart to think I probably won’t see you again. Like the young lion you were, keep roaring to the end, my father. And write back.

“…more like an engulfing furnace…”

Dear Samuel, Day 53. So it’s true. You’re restless. I could tell. You’ve always spoken well about your church but I’ve been missing the fire I knew was in you. And it still is. Hot potato indeed! It’s more like an engulfing furnace…if you let it! I don’t fully understand, maybe I don’t need to. But I wanted to know one thing before I die: that you are still ‘of the faith of Abraham’? And it seems you might be. What you do next will show you whether you are. Just like for me there was no choice in the end. Whether it's Spirit or word the next step is the only important step towards Canaan. At least Zebedee met Jesus once but it was John that knew Jesus. Here’s my challenge to you. Pour it all out to your father. Tell me what you’re seeing, where you are going? Just like John who wanted to be close to Jesus, I know this is your heart, not to divide the church but to honour the word. But it will cost you.

Neo, Day 69. I will try and be succinct, Neo. Thank you, once again, for the postcards. I understand now. Haran churches believe in the substitutionary sacrifice of the cross. That Jesus died for them, in their place. That He took all our sins when He died. It’s prophesied in Isaiah 53 and elsewhere how the Messiah would suffer and die for His people. He took the punishment for our sins so that we could be forgiven. You and your friends rediscovered Peter’s starting point ‘Repent, be baptised for the forgiveness of sins, and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit’, and so you and the Pentecostals went beyond forgiveness and received the Spirit. You’ve told me, for many, it was the difference between walking by the sea and swimming in it. But tell me, how many believe the cross of Christ included them? That when He died, they died also? Read Romans 6 v 3 and 6 or Galatians 2 v 20 again, Neo. I remember you preaching from Acts 19 v 2 ‘Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?’ So they said to him ‘We have not even heard about the Holy Spirit’. Many believed but hadn’t received the Spirit. But it’s Paul’s question in Romans 6 that seems to be relevant now: ‘Do you not know that as many of us who were baptised into Christ Jesus were baptised into His death?’ Try asking those you know. They will flounder, Neo. Try and imagine churches springing up that believe that the sinner, as well as sin, were dealt with on the cross, And believing this as easily as you did when you were filled with the Spirit. Only space left for the stamp. Far more to say.

My Dear Samuel, Day 76. It seems I still have some strength. It also amuses me how God seems to work in parables and metaphors. Here am I dying physically and there you are telling me that I’ve already died! I know I always preached ‘died to’. You’ve made me think. I feel a little like Moses now. Up on the mountain looking over the Promised land but not allowed to enter. I’ll die here, safe in the knowledge that the next step for the people of God is in motion. How about a name change? Samuel means listened to God, which you have. But Joshua seems to fit better now. And it won’t just be you. It's never one person. God will bring all the Joshua’s together. Dear Joshua, if you haven’t packed your bags, it feels like you’ll have to. It’s time for me as well. No need for more postcards, just a holy kiss from Haran to the Joshua church.


My Bookshelf has Died

