The Seven Postcards Series i

Series 1. From Abram, and replies from Haran

Series 2. From John, and replies from Zebedee

Series 3. From Samuel, and replies from Neo

An Introduction to Series 1: Terah, Abraham’s father, had emigrated from Ur and taken the family with him intending to reach Canaan, but stopped short in Haran. God, however, had spoken to Abraham about leaving his father’s house to travel on to Canaan. The first postcard is from Abram (before his name change to Abraham) fifty days after leaving Haran.


Series 1. Abram and Terah

Dad, Day 50. It’s been bothering me. Why did you leave Ur? Anyway, I’m nearly there. There’s snow on the mountain near here and I can see the Sea. They call it Hermon. We’re high up but dropping down to the Bekaa. Lot’s a strong young man now, Haran would be proud. Beautiful Sarai sends her love. Write back. Your loving son. A. Kisses to mother.

Son, Day 75. You must tell me why you packed your bags and left, then I’ll tell you why we left Ur. I miss you. Your mother cries for you. To lose Haran was bad enough. Please try and understand. Don’t stop writing. We’re well. Business is good. The cistern is nearly complete. Nahor never stops. One for fish, the other for water. Terah, your Father.

Dad, Day 120. You know why I left, but I’m sorry Mother cries. I had to go Father. I know it was your dream to be here in Canaan, but God told me I had to leave your house to come here. I didn’t want to leave. I always thought we would reach Canaan together but it’s more that you stayed than I left. I don’t mean to be hurtful. I feel I am completing your dream. Please comfort Mother and tell her I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for her. We’ve been able to settle at a place called Shechem. More next time. A.

Son, Day 150. I am not well. You must not come back. If God has told you to go to Canaan, you must stay there. Nahor sends greetings. He is happy for you and will look after Mother when I fall asleep.

I don’t know why I left Ur. When Haran died Ur died for me. But it wasn’t just grief. I had wandering feet. Our family and friends spoke against us. All apart from Grandfather Nahor. He was on my side. I did what he wanted to do before me, explore. Maybe it’s taken three generations to get to Shechem. I will die a happy man. Do not be sorry, Abram. You Mother sends her kisses. Terah, your Father.

Dad, Day 190. Your messenger came quickly. Tears stain this card. Thank you for telling me about Ur and Grandfather Nahor. It is a comfort. I feel I know myself a little better now. I cannot write any more words. My heart is full. I am the oldest now. And even if I do not inherit your wealth I have inherited your wandering feet and Grandfather’s. God’s blessings on you and Mother and brother Nahor from the trees and waters here in Shechem.

Brother, Day 250. Father died before your card arrived. He was at peace at the end. I miss you my brother. Many friends came for Father’s burial. Mother was strong. She will mourn for another month. It is to remember Haran, you leaving, and Father. She says she must, or she will be bitter. She needs that time to pour out her heart to God who has taken away her three rocks. She is looking for peace. Pray she finds it. Be strong brother. Tell Lot to get married and have a tribe. My blessings and peace. Please write. Brother Nahor.

Nahor, Day 320. Mother was always worried that I’d get here only to return. But Nahor, it’s difficult to know how to put this. When I was a child, I told you how the Lord spoke to me. Since I last wrote the Lord has appeared to me. I saw Him, Nahor. He has promised this land to my descendants. That’s why I’m here, I know that now. I told Lot what you said. I worry about him; now he’s rich he’s separated from me. Before you ask, no, Sarai is still childless, so it looks impossible to inherit the land. We press on, towards the Negev. A

It is written


The Seven Postcard Series - ii


John Chapter 3 - Windbreaks in Church? Part 2 of 2