October 7th 2023 Remembrance
Not once have I
Been caught in the careful
Eye-beam of a ravenous wolf
Foxes, cunning as ever,
Stand and stare before
The shadows take them
And dogs, tongues lolling,
Trot undangerously
Learning only to love
But it was the pack
That hunted their prey
Eye-to-eye, heart-to-heart
In a murderous pact
Slaying the unguarded
In civilian slaughter
Biden’s shock: photos of
A baby riddled with bullets,
A soldier beheaded
Supernovans burned alive
In cars and hideaways
Trapped in a hatred
A sink hole
In the world’s morality
Legitimacy to govern
Torn to shreds
We weep until
The wolves’ eyes dim
Today we remember
The unforgotten, the 97
Yet to return home
But we will remember
In wrath to remember mercy
We who have been wolves
We, called to be Samaritans,
Let healing come
From unlikely places
Let war be undone like
Untied laces dragging
Along the ground
Singing songs
Of miracle
And wonder
He makes wars cease
He shatters the spear, be still
And know that I am God