John Stevens: Author, Blogger, Poet with L-Plates, Chemistry Tutor
“Truly I tell you unless a seed falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.”
John 12 v 24
I abandoned the church attendance of my childhood for agnosticism. Then later abandoned agnosticism for Christ. Posts in the What is a Christian category aim to shed more light than heat over matters of faith in Christ. Poetry will contain poems I have either written or imported from others that remove the noise of the wrapping paper and get to the gift. Book Reviews are exactly as stated on the tin, including my book, When the Rabbis Cry (see below). Everything Else is the waste-paper bin in the corner of an otherwise tidy website. It may contain posts on sports such as running, kayaking, hill-walking, golf, or battles with injuries and fitness. Also, reflections on Science teaching and tutoring, Chemistry tuition, and, if all else fails, ridiculously enjoyable random rants.
When the Rabbis Cry by John S. Stevens
When the Rabbi’s Cry is the result of research into the Yemeni Jews and wider issues surrounding God’s purpose with Israel.
The book considers the intriguing history of the Jews and Israel as a nation after Jesus’ time. It explores how we should view the regathering of the Jews to the modern State of Israel from a biblical perspective.
What we find is a story within a story. An Israel within Israel where God is at work bringing salvation and reconciliation between Jews and Palestinians in a remarkable way.